WooCommerce Extra Product Options Plugin Get GPL File Free; Today we have shared WooCommerce Extra Product Options Plugin available for everyone at no cost. The shared file is not modified or altered; it’s a 100% genuine GPL file, and you can use this GPL file on unlimited websites.
Does the current functionality of your WooCommerce Products meet your needs? Would you like to add Conditional Logic to your forms? Need further Pricing options to grab your shoppers attention? Extra Product Options is the best WordPress Product Plugin you have been searching for.
You can create priced product options and addons, conditional logic (within the form builder), build forms, style & validate features, convert the variation attributes dropdowns to radio buttons, image swatches or swatches and much more.
You can even control the placement of your new fields with the Form Builder. Full support for checkboxes, radio buttons, select boxes, text-areas, input boxes, upload, date, range picker and color picker.
WooCommerce Extra Product Options Plugin Core Features
- Supports check-boxes, radio buttons, select boxes, text-areas, input boxes, upload, date, range picker, color picker and product elements.More field types will be available soon!
- Global enabled options.
- Enable or disable the plugin and global options for specific roles
- Enable extra options in shop and category view
- Hide add-to-cart button until an option is chosen
- Control the placement of the options and totals box
- Enable or disable a floating totals box to show the selected options
- Alter many plugin strings directly from the control panel
- Validation features
- Form Fields Builder
- Show your options from outside WooCommerce product screen using action hooks
- Choice between fixed or percentage price increase
- Limit check-box selection
- Exact selection feature for check-boxes
- Import/export functions to forms.
- Lazy load images for radios and check-boxes.
- Change product image for radios and check-boxes.
- Price per character feature for text-fields and text-areas.
- Extra styling for radios and check-boxes.
- Performance increase for big number of options.
- Image replacement for check-boxes and radio button on Global Options
- Choose the grid display for check-boxes and radio button for Global Options
- Hide or show prices
- Display sections options as a pop up
- Conditional logic for fields and sections within the form builder.
Whats New On WooCommerce Extra Product Options Plugin version
- Fixed an issue where when adding associated products the product was being removed from the cart.
- Added multiple selection on product elements.
- Fixed compatibility with Dynamic Pricing & Discounts.
- Fixed compatibility with WooCommerce Currency Switcher.
- Fixed compatibility with WooCommerce Bookings.
- Fixed an issue with the Math formula not calculating functions on the frontend.
- Fixed an issue where the import csv functionality could not preserve product ids on the product element.
- Fixed compatibility with Composite Products.
- Fixed some PHP warnings related to number conversion.
- Fixed a price display issue with the sync associated product quantity setting.
- Fixed an issue where the Prevent zero priced products setting was not working.
- Fixed a calculation issue with the with Percent of the original price + options price type.
- Fixed an issue where the color replacements for checkboxes were not working correctly.
- Fixed a tax calculation issue when using variable products.
- Fixed an issue where checkboxes on non WooCommerce pages were not being posted on the server.
- Fixed several issues with the tax display and calculation.
- Added reset functionality to the default plugin settings.
- Added compatibility with WordPress 5.7x
WooCommerce Extra Product Options Plugin Buy Now From Here
Please remember that if you want technical support for these files, you can purchase it separately from original developer of these scripts. This will help them financially for further development as well
Buy Now Here – https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-extra-product-options/7908619
WooCommerce Extra Product Options Plugin Get GPL File Free From Here
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